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Kerala's First 3D Printed Building

Created as a showcase project, AMAZE-28, the single-room summer house, was successfully constructed within 28 days on the grounds of the Kerala State Nirmithi Kendra. The 3D-printed building at the Kerala State Nirmithi Kendra in Thiruvananthapuram. (Photo: Shekunj)  The inauguration of Kerala's inaugural 3D-printed structure, a 380-square-foot single-room summer house, is scheduled to take place on October 10 at the Kerala State Nirmithi Kendra (Kesnik) campus located in PTP Nagar, Thiruvananthapuram.  Conceived as a showcase initiative, the summer house named AMAZE-28 was successfully finished within a mere 28 days. This impressive project was executed by Tvasta, a construction technology startup based in Chennai, founded by alumni of IIT-Madras, who have entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Kesnik.  AMAZE-28 is perched upon a concrete foundation atop a gentle elevation within the Kesnik campus. Febi Varghese, the Director and Chief Executive Officer of Kesnik, p

How to blink LED using Arduino Tutorial

 The on-board LED is blinking in this example, which demonstrates the simplest thing you can do with an Arduino to observe physical output.  Components Required   Arduino board LED (optional) 220 ohm resistor  Breadboard Computer: PC/Laptop Arduino IDE installed on computer Circuit This illustration makes use of the built-in LED found on most Arduino boards. The number of the digital pin that this LED is attached to can change from one type of circuit board to another. We have a constant that is mentioned in each board descriptor file to make your life simpler. The built-in LED may be readily controlled thanks to the constant LED. The constant's relationship to the digital pin is seen here.  D13 - 101 D13 - Due D1 - Gemma D13 - Intel Edison D13 - Intel Galileo Gen2 D13 - Leonardo and Micro D13 - LilyPad D13 - LilyPad USB D13 - MEGA2560 D13 - Mini D6 - MKR1000 D13 - Nano D13 - Pro D13 - Pro Mini D13 - UNO D13 - Yún D13 - Zero You must assemble this circuit and link one end of the

How to Read Analog Input in Arduino from a Sensor

 This Article shows you how to read analog input from the physical world using a potentiometer. A potentiometer (also called pot for short) is a straightforward mechanical device whose shaft may be twisted to vary the resistance it offers. You may measure the amount of resistance a potentiometer produces as an analogue value by applying voltage to the potentiometer and into an analogue input on your board. In this post, you will establish serial communication between your Arduino and a computer running the Arduino Software (IDE) and then check the status of your potentiometer.  Components Required Arduino Board Bread Board Jumper Wires Potentiometer - 10k Ohm Computer/Laptop with Arduino IDE Circuit The potentiometer's three wires must be connected to your board. The first connects to ground from one of the potentiometer's outer pins. The second connects to 5 volts from the potentiometer's other outside pin. The third connects the analogue pin A0 to the potentiometer'

Amperion and Wav: As a E-vehicle Enthusiast you should know about these

The Indian automobile sector currently ranks fifth globally and is expected to rise to third place by 2030. Dependence on the traditional forms of fuel-intensive mobility will not be viable for serving the enormous domestic market. Federal authorities are creating a mobility alternative that is "Shared, Connected, and Electric" in an effort to address this, and they have set an ambitious goal of attaining 100% electrification by 2030.  India has a lot to gain by switching to electric vehicles (EVs), including access to qualified labour in the manufacturing and technology industries and a relative abundance of renewable energy supplies. If India continues to make steady progress toward achieving its ambitious 2030 objective, the EV market in India will provide a US$206 billion potential by 2030, according to an independent assessment by CEEW Centre for Energy Finance (CEEW-CEF). This would necessitate an overall investment in vehicle manufacturing and charging infrastructure o

How to use SD Card Module with Arduino?

 Using SD Card Module with Arduino  In this article, I am going to explain how to use SD card module with Arduino to write and read data. This article will help you to make your own data logging system such as - temperature logging system, humidity logging system, speed logging system, acceleration and gyroscope data logging system, etc. Components and Parts Arduino UNO SD Card Module Computer SD Card  Power Supply   Circuit Diagram   Download Libraries SD Card Library - SD.h : Download SPI Library - SPI.h: Pre-installed in Arduino IDE Arduino Code for Writing Data to SD Card #include < SPI . h > #include < SD . h > File myFile ; void setup ( ) { // Open serial communications and wait for port to open: Serial . begin ( 9600 ) ; while ( ! Serial ) { ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only } Serial . print ( "Initializing SD card..." ) ; if ( ! SD . begin ( 10 ) ) { Serial . println ( "initialization failed!&qu

How to select power supply for the project 2022

 Power Supply Selection for Project: Powering up your projects (Robotics, IoT, Mechatronics, Automation, etc.) means providing its parts (micro-controller, sensors, actuators, etc.) with right supply. These parts require different supplies of different current capabilities. In this article you will know about different powering method and their characteristics.     How to select power supply for the project? What is a supply? When you build any project like robots, mechatronics, automation, IoT projects you will need to consider how you will supply it with power. In fact, some parts, such as micro-controllers and sensors, typically require either 5 or 3.3V. They also need a stable (regulated) voltage supply. Other parts may need 12V such as motors. This require several different supplies with different current capabilities. In this post, different ways of supplying power to your project are presented and discussed. Battery Your main power source is always a DC battery. Batteries come i

Obstacle Avoiding Robot Kit

 Obstacle Avoiding Robot: If you landed on this page, you must be a robotics enthusiast. You must be thinking to learn the robotics. Obstacle Avoiding Robot is one of the most liked beginner level robot. It will teach you a lot of concept about electronics, coding, micro controller and robotics. In this article, I will help you to choose the component for making a obstacle avoiding robot. So, Lets get started.  Obstacle Avoiding Robot - Kit and Components Obstacle avoiding robot is a programed movable object (car, four wheel drive, 3 wheel drive) which is intelligent enough to avoid obstacles coming in its path and change its path to reach at the target. I am providing here the list of parts or components so that you can assemble and make the simple object detection and avoiding mechanism of the robot. Obstacle avoiding robot is made up of following type of components: Mechanical Parts/Hardware Electronics Components/Hardware Software/Arduino Code  So, Lets discuss each part one by one

Controlling LEDs over WiFi using NodeMCU and Blynk App.

This article is the base on the Internet of things ( IoT ) . IoT describes the network of physical objects—“things” or objects—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet. In this article 3 LEDs will be controlled by an android application (made using Blynk) over a wifi connection. How to use NodeMCU with Blynk  If you want to start learn the Internet of Things (IoT) concept, then controlling a LED over the  internet is the " Hello World!" of the IoT journey. Performing the " Hello World" task will be easy using NodeMCU micro-controller as the first client and Blynk as the 'broker' or server and Blynk android application as the second client. Now communication between two clients will happen through broker over the internet. Now lets, make this happen.  Components Required For this activity we will need following components: Nod